Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Gratin of vegetables and cheese red recipes By Sarah

Gratin of vegetables and cheese red recipes

Gratin, Vegetables, Vheese, Red, Recipes

Vegetable gratin and red delicious cheese you can watch them in minutes, that the amounts available and how prepared do not take much time ... Try to beat your family you try it ... Discover how to configure the document next:


* 2 badengan
* 2 long green pumpkin
* 5 tomatoes
* Chopped red onion
* Garlic cloves, cleaned
* 45 mL of olive oil
* ½ teaspoon cinnamon
* 200 g red cheese washed
* ½ teaspoon salt

Method of preparation

* Preheat oven to 180 ° C temperature.
* Wash albadengan and pumpkins and tomatoes, then cut through the thickness of each one centimeter.
In ksaronh, add a little olive oil, add the onion and cook until golden qu'adoucie and pink all.
* In the model to make a gratin, dry wells azehnih garlic.
* At the bottom of the model to the onions and keep the green circles in the sequence, the albadengan and pumpkins and tomatoes, even a taste.
* Conte cheese and put it on the vegetables, add the remaining olive oil, pepper and salt and go in the oven for 30 to 40 minutes, when golden brown remove from oven, gratin and serve hot with health and well-being.


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