Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Benefits of vegetables

Reference research that people who rely on vegetable food less people infected with heart disease, hypertension, cancer and diabetes. private who eat only vegetable-based diet

Simply dispose of the meat intake for optimum health, the diet that relies on the cut grain, sugar, dairy products, does not depend on a healthy base. The best of diet alkhdaran lies with whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds

Vegetative person: vegans

It is short for vee-gans, the term given to people who do not eat any animal products, and in dairy products (milk, cheese, butter, yogurt), eggs, honey, some of the greengrocers their lifestyle avoids any use of animal skins and their wool or silk


1 rich in vitamins and mineral salts 2 useful in treatment of gout and gastrointestinal infections 3 resist indigestion and acidity in excess of 4 combat constipation and helps to expel waste outside 5 tomato juice helps digestion of starchy foods and meat of ...6 resist arthritis wehasiat total wehasiat the bladder 7 benefit in treating keratoderma (accumulation of superficial skin layers each other) 8 intake of tomato soup that heart patients, hypertension 9 easy absorption and adjust the acidity of blood 10 can eat tomatoes raw or cooked, as juice

Benefits of the onion:

1 rich in vitamins and mineral salts 2 killer of bacteria, especially the endemic oral and intestinal 3 helps to determine blood sugar 4 aperitif and digestive infections 5 struggling activates work of heart and circulation 6 contains materials to strengthen the nervous system 7 diuretic and helps in cases of bile and liver cirrhosis 8 helps lower high blood pressure and lower cholesterol 9 helpful in treating coughs and chest infections 10 assists in expelling phlegm and blood poisoning

Benefits of broccoli:

1 rich in vitamins and mineral salts, such as potassium and chrome 2 helps rid your body of toxins 3 helps reduce schizophrenic retina 4 works to lower high blood pressure 5 works to stabilize the blood sugar 6 reduces heart attack 7 is helpful in reducing cholesterol levels in the blood 8 believed resisting cancer

Benefits of garlic:

1 rich in vitamins and minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus 2 works as an antibiotic in the face of illness 3 fights heart disease, lowers high blood pressure 4 enhances the body's immune system 5 reduces blood cholesterol helps in treating rheumatic diseases 7 assists in the treatment of skin lesions such as boils, wounds 8 counter cough and respiratory diseases 9 aperitif and struggling satiety 10 anthelmintic that settled in the intestines of human

Benefits of lettuce:

1 a very rich in folic acid is helpful for pregnant women 2 is rich in dietary fibre beneficial intestinal action 3 serves as the Mahdi and Painkiller 4 resist thirst and dry cough 5 diuretic and guide against the body of the 6th nerves colon cancer 7 rich in vitamins, especially vitamin (a) and vitamin c antioxidant 8 made from paper drink for children's diseases, especially diseases of the chest

Benefits of Mallow:

1 ranked food easy to digest useful 02 rich in minerals such as iron, phosphorus 03 contain proteins and vitamins like vitamin a and vitamin c 04 rich in fibers that help fight constipation 05 containing foodstuffs to soothe intestinal membranes 06 contain substances that help in prevention of intestinal infections 07 Mallow seed oil is useful in treating some skin diseases 08 green Mallow can be cooked or dry and if added to the meat become full meal 0

The benefits of cabbage:

1 rich in vitamins, especially vitamin c 02 rich in minerals such as sulphur, calcium and phosphorus 03 contains deadly bacteria-like material in ineffective antibiotics 04 resist rash and helps bone growth 05 helps to strengthen hair and nails 06 useful in cases of expulsion of worms from the body 07 useful in cases bronchitis, sputum and makes people exit 08 activates kidneys and helps expel excess water from the body's need 9 is useful for people with diabetes to reduce the amount of sugar in the Blood 010 boiled cabbage is very useful in cases of anaemia and rheumatic 0

Benefits of beans:

1 rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals such as iron, phosphorus 02 resists tension and stress that infects the body 03 believed to contain chemical complex compounds resistant to oral cancers 4 is good for the heart in terms of increasing the level of good cholesterol in the blood 5 works to lower blood pressure in women at the menopausal stage 06 keeps the blood sugar level 07 contains material strengthens the body's immunity against different diseases 0 8 bean husks fight constipation, which infects the body 09 For bean blossom property increased diuresis 010 eating beans with tomato, onion, oil and bread makes it a complete meal 0

The benefits of wheat:

1 is one of the most important cereals for human health 02 is very rich in vitamins, especially vitamin b group composite 3 contains many metals such as iron, phosphorus, Silicon, iodine 0 4 strengthens the nervous system and gives the body strength and activity 05 helps build bones and strengthens teeth 06 contributes to strengthen hair and make it shiny 07 helps thyroid work 08 contributes to the formation of tissues and digestive juices 0 9 wheat flour is used as a treatment for various skin diseases 010 to take advantage of all these benefits you must have


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