Saturday, February 7, 2015







 The last time we Wanted To but à pudding with Mr and It was To Disappointed... There was alcool in Our bary and nota Little... soit was inaudible. It was à long Time that I Wanted To but I didn't what needed! 2 batche of macarons, faille and muche To idéaliste buns, Here l'am with what It taques To Make the pudding. Recipe Elias, ecclésia and alois To recycle your lavatorys. My Mother Often made us puddings, because My Sister Ans I HAD the Anno Yin To open the packages but... Never Finish! In the liste of ingrédients You Will fin d the ingrédients I uses but You Can do with what You have! Bread, Bread, croissant, brioche ou chocó Bread ou Even Old slabs (speculoos, cookies...) Work aussi!


-2 medium-sized buns
-remains of failed macaroons
-a small piece of bread
-1 bottom of cereal (about a handful)
-2 eggs
-1 sachet of vanilla sugar
-3 cases of sugar
-750 ml of milk
-1 handful of raisins
-3 case of orange blossom water

Crumble (not in too small pieces) or cut the buns
Do the same with macaroons
Add the cereal
In the bowl, add the milk and leave to absorb for 30 to 45 minutes
When the milk well soaked cakes and brioche (it takes to crush them with a fork and they are soft) mix well
To swell the raisins in a little hot water
Add the sugar and eggs and mix well
Once the grapes bloated, remove water from the bowl and add them to the preparation
Mix again and add the orange blossom water
Put the dough in a baking pan and bake in an oven at 180 for 35 minutes to 45 minutes (depending on your oven)




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