Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Make an Easy Fruit Salad Recipe

Skip the fatty cakes and serve the salad of fresh fruit at your next family reunion. When you make a fruit salad, the difficult part is deciding what used fruit. Base your component on the theme of the event, like a salad of apples for a party inspired by the fall. After deciding what type of fruit used, dress and fruit with a creamy mixture of syrup of salad or enhances the flavor of the fruit.

Things you need

Fruit (canned, fresh or frozen)
Low-fat yogurt and honey (optional)
(Optional) pie canned filling
Ground cinnamon and cream (optional)
(Optional) cookie cutter
Melon Balling tool (optional)
Large bowl
Nuts or seeds (optional)


1 deciding what type of fruit like. The use of pineapple, mango, guava, Kiwi, or tropical fruit energy star. Search for different types of grapes such as Concord, green, red, grape fruit salad. Or varieties of apples, such as McIntosh, red delicious and Granny Smith Apple for fruit salad. Add authority only musk melon watermelon fruit melon, watermelon and watermelon. Choose a different color of fruit salad is like a Rainbow in the sky, or through the use of different fruits that are all the same color, such as strawberries, cherries, red grapes for Red Roses fruit salad.

2. use full of fresh salads, fruit and if you plan to use the cobalt or cobalt in the context of the authority, such as the salad in a bowl made of watermelon rind. Replace fresh fruit with canned or frozen fruit to make a fruit salad when you're not available, such as fresh fruit during the winter months.

3. Select the type of clothing that you want to add to the restrictions of food fruits and preferences and taste the fruits of power. Mix dressing, made with yogurt mixed with honey to fruit salad, low-fat or fat-free. Add topping, such as fishing or cherry, fresh step of fruit vinaigrette that will remain United to canned sour fruit salad. Mix fruit with whipped cream and a pinch of cinnamon powder mixed aerated dressing which is ideal for the summer months.

4. slide the hard fruits, such as pineapples, apples, pears or 1-inch cookie cutter cut is used, such as a star or a flower design, to form shapes with fruit. Extracts from fruits such as watermelon or melon, melon Balling tool to create balls of fruit.

5 salad fruit and fruit with a stronger flavor, like citrus, layer and the bottom layer and the flavors can overwhelm the other fruits. Fruit mixture if all together the fruits of the relatively mild in flavor. Place the fruits without dressing mixed, if this in advance and serve dressing separately and stir before serving.

6. use your fruit salad in the refrigerator in a container for a glass, preferably until the authority is a dynamic display in their food. On the other hand, reassign vascular service peelings from fruits, as half of a pineapple as a boat-shaped skin or half as one of the bowls.


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