Friday, December 19, 2014

The power elbow solo or cabbage salad with mayonnaise

Benefits: this is the power of the most best-selling authorities in fast food outlets, and are also the first people power that accompany grilled America called the cabbage COLESLAW, and either red or green leafy vegetables are low in calories, it is a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals – cabbage to help anti aging contains large amounts of vitamin C that maintains the skin and delay the process of normal aging, As it is rich in vitamin E, some scientific studies have shown that cabbage contains a variety of properties of cancers with cabbage compounds "alflavoniom" and a chemical-resistant cancer.

Ingredients: 1 small cabbage-cabbage 2 medium carrots 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1/4 cup mayonnaise, salt and pepper method

Preparation: cut the cabbage in half and get rid of the top Lieutenant to leg-cut leaves of cabbage pieces as thin sticks so-peeled carrots and cabbage-mixed section with grated carrots-mixing lemon juice with sugar and mayonnaise and mix well-add mix lemon juice and mayonnaise to mixture of cabbage and carrots-fluctuation power well adjusted to taste, add a little salt or vinegar if needed.


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