Sunday, December 21, 2014

Do you eat red meat harmful?

 Everyone feared. cancer and several surprised the degree of spread of the disease in the community and increase the number of patients of all age groups. Double digit rates of breast cancer, prostate and colon, so children leukemia. Studies have shown that these types of cancer in particular, lifestyle and nutrition is a holistic risk and health food we can prevent more than 60%, means your hands to reduce this fear and to protect your body from serious injury.
Studies have shown that eating meat "everyday" endangering of colorectal cancer and pancreatic and bladder cancer in men and breast cancer in women. Highlight recent meat "manufactured" specifically as a carcinogen, for example a study showed children from taking more than a dozen pieces of hamburger a month are prone to more than 10% of children who do not eat at all. Some might think proportions of risk or link might seem low, but don't forget that meat is not the only source of carcinogens, you allow for something pure and carcinogenic industrial supply does not give room for your body and your protection with environmental pollutants and other substances in food and drink, they reduce immunity against cancer. Especially small children age when your body is in a growth phase and under development and immune cells divided rapidly and any toxins affect them and change their genetic programming.
At the of age of men and women, eating processed meat raises the risk of colon cancer and lead to arthritis, clogged arteries and heart disease. It is a source of saturated fat, colours and toxic salts. There is a great danger arising excessive intake of processed meats and sausages and salami kbergr walmortdila or Turkish or pastrami, a high proportion of the material "alnitrosamine", are a group of chemicals formed in the stomach as a result of processed meats contain a sodium nitrate, causing a rise in the incidence of cancers. Young people who eat sausage and salami once a week are more likely to develop brain tumors twice than not eating at all. People who eat the well-travelled burgers are more likely to develop brain cancer by 80%, according to research by the University of North Carolina, us. It is known in the scientific community that eating meat and especially red increases the risk of colorectal cancer is not a new discovery. In a recent study published this month by Harvard University shows that eating 112 g per day of which increase the risk of death by 12%, and increase the risk of death of processed meat (85 g daily) more than 20%. and beautiful study also found that replacing meat with fresh fish, vegetables, nuts and whole grains reduce serious 7-19% as shown in the picture below.


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