Monday, December 22, 2014

The best way to eat fruit to get the full benefit

All believe that eating fruits means: buy it, break it, then put it in our mouths. But really it's not that easy, it is important to know how and when we turn to fruit.
If!!What is the correct way of eating fruits?
Eating fruit is eaten after food!
But should be dealt with on an empty stomach.
If you eat the fruit in that way "I mean eat fruit on an empty stomach" it will play a key role and effectively detoxify your digestive system, and at the same time will provide the body with much needed energy for weight loss and other various life activities. .

Fruit is the most important food
Let's say you had two slices of bread and then ate a slice of fruit. Slice fruit ready to go directly from the stomach to the small intestine, but are prevented from doing so.
In the meantime the entire meal (2 bread) will rot and ferment and turn into acid. The moment you touch the fruit food in the stomach and the digestive juice that block food begin with corruption in. ..
So please eat fruit on an empty stomach or before your meals!
Have you heard people complaining, saying, "every time you pick up the watermelon atgsha", or "when eating fruit specific to my stomach swell", "once eat banana I feel an urgent need to go to the toilet", etc. So, in fact, all these problems will not occur if you eat fruit on an empty stomach. You'll be mixing with other fruit from rotting food and produce gas, so you will feel bloated!
(Grey hair, balding, anger, dark circles under the eye all that will happen if you take fruits and your stomach is empty.
According to Dr. {Herbert Shelton} conducted a range of research on this question:-"there is no acidic fruits such as oranges and lemons, because all fruits become alkaline in our body. If you control the correct way of eating fruits, you will own all of the secret of beauty, longevity, health
When would you like to drink fruit juice, drink only fresh fruit juice, not canned, and drink the juice that has been heated up.
Don't eat cooked fruit because you won't get the beneficial nutrients at all. All you get is the bait. The cooking destroys vitamins.
And the better the whole fruit rather than drinking juice. But if we must drink juice, drinks by mouth and slowly, and so would allow mixing the juice with saliva before swallowing.
Fruit diet work and fasting for 3 days which does not deal with any food not fruit so purify and cleans the body. — meaning "just eat fruits and drink fruit juice throughout the 3 days", and you will be surprised when your friends tell you how looks bright and upbeat!

Kiwi fruits: Kiwi fruit is small but strong. They are a good source of potassium and vitamin E walmghnisom in addition to fiber. it contains twice the amount of vitamin C found in oranges

Apples: an Apple a day keeps the doctor away? Although Apple has a low vitamin C, but it contains antioxidants which promote the activity of vitamin C which helps to reduce the risk of colon cancer, or heart attack and stroke.

Strawberries: strawberries are a fruit of protection and prevention. And have the highest antioxidants among fruits. protects the body of carcinogens, and blockage of blood vessels.

Fruits Orange: sweetest medicine. It dealt with between 2-4 oranges a day, will keep your colds, reduce cholesterol, and will prevent the incidence of kidney stones and dissolving kidney stones, as well as reducing the risk of colon cancer.

Watermelons: the best and the finest fruit of the thirst. Consisting of 92% water, it is also loaded with a giant dose of glutathione (a type of amino acids), which helps to strengthen our immune system. They also constitute a major source llallikobine – combat oxidation factor for cancer. It also contains vitamin C and potassium.

Guava & papaya: deserve better awards as they contain the highest percentage of vitamin C, guava is also rich in fiber, which helps prevent constipation. Papaya is rich in carotene-and that's good for your eyes.
Drinking cold water after a meal means cancer!
Can you believe this? For those who like to drink cold water, this article is suitable for them. It would be nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will freeze the oily substance consumed by just. And slow down the digestive process. When this acid reacts with the deposit, it will break and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. Will line the intestine. And quickly turns into fat that is leading to cancer. It is best to drink the soup hot or warm water after a meal.

A serious note about the pattern of heart ': (this is not a joke!)
Women should know that the pain that we feel in the left arm, known as a symptom of a heart attack. Not only must pay attention to the acute pain in the jaw line, is one of the most important symptoms of heart attack that you have never felt chest pain during the first heart attack. Nausea and sweating also very symptoms.. Sixty percent of the people who have had a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. While wake you jaw pain from a deep sleep. Let's be careful. Thus, our chances of survival better, God willing.


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