Monday, December 22, 2014

What to eat for dinner to avoid weight gain

Increase or decrease body weight depends largely on the quality of the food served to the stomach and recovery time. No matter if your goal is the loss or weight management, you need to carefully check your meals. For dinner, more early addressed, the better, because sufficient time to digest food properly the needs of the body and you're on the road and alarm clock. If you are of those people who eat their food and go sleep immediately, he must learn to sleep immediately after eating would keep the food in the body all night without be properly digested, or can remain long in the body as waste is digested.

A Northwestern University study revealed that eating at irregular hours - like eating food in the middle of the night led to weight gain.
The lunch hour

You need dinner not contain more than 20 or 25 percent of the total calories allotted per day. For example, if Conti Taatbaan power of the size of the thermal Sarath 1500 calories, you should Taatnola between 300 to 375 calories at dinner.

Focus on small sizes
If delayed dinner, make sure that the meal contains alkaloids more large proportion, it is known that alkaline foods are considered as easier in the process of digestion.

Avoid eating meals containing meat or wheat or dairy products before going to bed two hours because these acidic foods are more difficult to digest.
Dinner earlier in the evening, as much as possible, and make sure that the evening meal containing a small amount of carbohydrates.

Do not forget to contain one meal a day on wheat such as pasta and bread products.
Multiply the consumption of dark green vegetables.
Reduction in wheat

Wheat is not easier food in digestive processes must now you adaptive to eat less, and its replacement by eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Begin to eliminate the wheat in the evening meal and try to replace the wild rice, millet, lentils, barley, which contain plenty of fiber, which the body needs to maintain and repair itself. You can also buy pasta and bread wheat Alkhaliyn.
Eat healthy for you to vegetables

All vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, squash, turnips, asparagus has antioxidant properties, as well as as red peppers, carrots, and as this is a well known antioxidant materials are the first line of defense against aging, heart disease and cancer, and the adverse effects of stress, which is also a formula, unstable substances free radicals that occur in the body as a by-product of oxidationwhich can cause damage to cell membranes.
size matters.

The body needs more energy during the day, especially when you're traveling and need less energy during the night when you sleep. Giri meal size depending on what follows: make your breakfast, lunch and breakfast the most important meal and more Dsama, and make the evening meal is easy and more alkaline. Preferably, a meal containing protein and vegetables and a bit of carbohydrates. You can improve the flavour of the food through the use of fresh herbs and spices instead of cooking grease and oil. Remember that fish fats are good for you, because they contain selenium, an antioxidant component, helps control cholesterol levels, and can also assist in the prevention of cancer.
Suggestions healthy for dinner

Grilled fish or stewed, steamed, preferably oily fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids: try Altroat, salmon, tuna and mackerel.

Seasonal vegetables: Tnaouliha cooked steamed or broiled or without cooking.
Alkhdharoat - Try mushrooms or Zucchini or asparagus without cream or cheese.
Fried vegetables: you can add sugar peas, beans, carrots, onions and peppers to the release. Chicken: Use a small amount of oil and national Bthia quickly you get crunchy vegetables.
Beans and lentils: try bean soup.

Candy and frozen - yogurt options low fat desserts.
Alvakeh - Try fresh fruit and boiled pear and Apple Salad roasted as a substitute for sweets which are made of lots of sugar and cream.



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