Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Freeze vegetables .. Notes important rules

Require the household needs to provide vegetables and fruits continuously, and with the change in seasons, these vegetables and the lack of some of them in all the time, we resort to the freezing process and is a freeze of the latest methods used to preserve food and the best in terms of food saved retain most of the physical and chemical properties and the value of food.

Remember food is below zero degrees, where Drahp low temperatures tend to slow down corruption minute Kalahia factors and enzymes.

The general idea:

The scientific basis for the refrigeration of food or freezing depends on the microbes grow and multiply at temperatures 5-63, there are types of microbes love for low-temperature or high, so the cooling or freezing foods leads to stop the activity or the death of microbes, as lead to reduce the speed of occurrence of chemical and biological reactions, and decrease evaporation of water from the food operations, and to freeze the fatal effect on the parasites and thus prevent corruption foods and there are several ways to freeze vegetables and assumptions that many, but all roads remain built on the foundations of one a good choice, cleaning, CD-threaded and then boiling and cooling and placed explosive occasion and arrange them in the freezer properly taking into account the development of the history of Altaboh her.

And the benefits of the freeze also
• reduce the time and effort needed to prepare meals, because the food is frozen ready-to-use, cooking and contributing to the provision of food throughout the seasons of the year.
• maintain the quality of the value of foods, especially fast freezing in which ice crystals are small in size does not cause tissue damage and rupture foods.

Notes and important tips:
Observe the following instructions to freeze all types of vegetables:
1. The best choice of vegetables before freezing.
2. sorted and cleaned and cut up the right way and the right of the need.
3. filtered from the water after boiling process and to facilitate dealing with it after the freeze.
4. Choose the appropriate packaging Milling air and disarm them as much as possible.
5. Balfrisr arranged as a kind and to give greater effectiveness of Fraser and maintained.
6. cleaning and arranging the freezer continuously and lose refillable Food and dates especially before use.
The process of freezing food items help you a lot in the reduction of time and effort, but do not forget that failure to follow the instructions in the proper storage of food could lead to corruption and food spoilage and thus to food poisoning.

Finally sure to follow the scientific bases when freezing vegetables, they contribute more to make it the first way in health preservation.


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