Thursday, August 30, 2018

Rum Baba : Italian Regional Recipe

Rum Baba : Italian Regional Recipe
Rum Baba : Italian Regional Recipe
Rum Baba : Italian Regional Recipe

Rum Baba : Italian Regional Recipe


 For paste:

18 cl of milk,
1 cube of baking yeast of beer,
70 g sweeten in powder, a spoon coffee of salt.
Oufs 6 450 g of flour,
150 g of butter For syrup:
50 cl of water,
500 g of caster sugar,
30 cl of rum


Dissolve baking yeast in the lukewarm milk,
add the sugar, salt, the oufs and the half of the flour;
cross 4 m to the robot at medium speed until the that mixture is very homogeneous;
add softened butter it cut in small pieces, and delay in the robot 3 m;
add the rest of flour and put vicinity in small speed 2 m;
display in a spread with butter mould, let rest in a lukewarm place about one hour and a half;
preheat the oven in 200 °, put down (especially do not make slip) the mould on the gate, and cook 30 - 35 m;
colour must be brown gold and a planted knife must come out again dryness; take out 2 m from the oven, then afterwards, dice mould... Let cool down 15 m while you prepare syrup by hitting


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