Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The pastilla recipe for fish

The pastilla recipe for fish
The pastilla recipe for fish
The pastilla recipe for fish

The pastilla recipe for fish


bar 500g, 150g of mushrooms 300g of small squid
125g of peeled shrimp
30g butter
200g of Chinese noodles costs
300g pastilla leaves
1 egg
1 bunch of coriander,
1 bunch of parsley
1 pinch of paprika
1 pinch of cumi n
3 cloves of garlic
2 lemons candied
8cl of olive oil, table salt, pepper shrimp Royal and lemons oil fresh to decorate

Preparation of fish pastilla: 

To prepare the pastilla recipe for fish:

Slice bar at the level of the gills.

Cut the fins.

Run the knife along the stops it central to detach the two nets.

Remove the skin, cut the flesh into small dice.

Clean squid and cut them into small cubes.

Adorn the feet of mushrooms, rinse, wipe, and then slice them.

For the marinade, mix parsley and chopped coriande, paprika, cumin, garlic crushed, lemon confit axe, salt, pepperand olive oil.

Add the pieces of squid, peeled shrimp and bar cubes.

Pour the mixture into an oiled and buttered skillet.

Pour the mushroom mixture. Return. Wet with cold water.

Cook has over high heat, stirring.

On the other hand Cook the noodles boiling water, drain them, add them in let it cook for 5 minutes.

Put stuffing cooled on a sheet of pastilla. Fold rectangle. Put it on asecond sheet of pastilla, fold down and up then each side on the rectangle.

Seal the edges with beaten egg. Heat oil in a skillet. Brown the pastillas in hot oil on both sides, turning carefully with a spatula.

Serve warm, decorated with parsley, lemon and Royal shrimp.

For more information, you can consult the page on the folding of the pastilla.


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