Fruit cocktail
Strawberry juice and a half-cup
Orange juice and a half-cup
Strawberry, cut-half cup
Kiwi peeled and sliced-2
Apples, peeled and cut-1
Bananas, peeled and cut-2
Peaches, peeled and cut-2
Fresh pineapple, peeled and chopped-½ Cup
A washed grape-cluster
Cream 1/2 cup
Almond-2 tbsps
Pine nuts-2 tbsps
Honey-to taste
Here are the "best cook" more of an urban cocktail cocktails, mango, strawberry, cocktail 7 August with pomegranate and..
Mode of action
1. place the strawberry with Kiwi, pineapple, apples, bananas, peaches and grapes in a bowl and mix.
2-4 cups fruit sections provide large, then pour over Strawberry juice.
3. leave the juice until it snaps into the bottom of the cups, then pour the orange juice over it.
4. place 2 tablespoons of the cream over a cocktail and garnish with nuts.
5. pour the honey over the cream and serve cocktails immediately.
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