Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Lettuce health benefits

Ali lettuce contains nutrients important act as sedatives, which makes it effective in the treatment of pain. When the lettuce is also used in the treatment of insomnia, anxiety and neurological disorders.
At first, we show Term description of lettuce:

Lettuce (lettuce Alasatefa) known since antiquity as a refreshing vegetables. Lettuce and become one of today's most common and most basic element of many leafy vegetables authorities .takhtlv lettuce leaves between the colors red, green and purple. All of these titles can be used either cooked or raw, and many because they contain a high percentage of water and therefore can work lettuce juice.

Lettuce types:
Lettuce snow green outer leaves and white inside, a kind most popular types of lettuce is commonly used in juices and is a source of choline.

Romaine lettuce: It has a long green leaves and contains a crunchy texture and is a good source of Vthiaman A, C, B1, B2 and folic acid.
A good head lettuce Butterhead: This type of lettuce and headlines that are easily separated and easily characterized Baleonh texture with a wonderful flavor that distinguishes it from the rest of other types of lettuce.

Loose hand lettuce: As the name suggests this type has a loose, spacious and feel a little crispy leaves.
Food lettuce Benefits: As is the case in the rest of dark green vegetables Azad added benefits of these vegetables and become a good source of chlorophyll .valkhos its low in calories because it consists mainly of water and contains about 90 -95% fibers, minerals and potassium and calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and Vitamin A, C, K and folic acid, and a lot of vitamins B vehicle.

Hardwood and growing item in the contract of lettuce leaves .walta contain a mixture of active substances and have been known for centuries and used for medical purposes as sedatives for pain.

The health benefits of lettuce: Despite the fact that Article deciduous found in most types of wild lettuce does not exist in the types of commercial lettuce, health characteristics of the huge lettuce, because it contains a large number of nutrients and antioxidants that are found in the leaves.

Addresses anemia: lettuce contains a high content of chlorophyll and iron which are key elements of Hlimocalobin in red blood cells.

Antioxidants: lettuce is rich in antioxidants, particularly beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E components that help the body get rid of toxins and prevent the formation of free radicals that lead to reduce the risk of cancer and prevent aging Premature occurs.

Strong bones: Some studies proved that lettuce has a protective effect on bone health. This is because it contains a high proportion of vitamin K, an important element for the production of Aloostioukalcin a bone that strengthens the cells and prevents osteoporosis .okhash occurs when postmenopausal women and the elderly as proteins Portal the lettuce is a good source of calcium, phosphorus and thus play an important role in the installation of the bone.

It handles lettuce Constipation: and this is due to that lettuce contains a high proportion of lettuce juice .oaaml fiber to stimulate bowel movements and relieve constipation and colon cleansing.

It manages cough lettuce: lettuce juice works as an antidote to cough and help relieve nervous cough and asthma as well as addresses, bronchitis.

Hydration helps Lettuce: Lettuce is an excellent source of hydration .vho refreshing hydrating cells cells.

Lettuce helps the cleaning: after antioxidants and helps get rid of harmful substances that accumulate in the body. Potassium and works as a diuretic and thus get rid of toxins that are found in using the body to cleanse the colon.

Anesthesia: Use lettuce doctors for centuries as a substitute for opium. And because it works normal analgesic to kill the pain. And it can be used in the treatment of sleep disorders, and irritation of the nervous system, anxiety, insomnia, particularly in children and the elderly .obaltaa eating a cup of lettuce juice or celery hour before bed makes you enjoy the night sleep I felt calm .okellma concerned or nerve helps me relax and calm psychological.

Lettuce is used for Sexual Health: This is still a matter of debate. It is known that substances such as opium There may be elements of the anesthetic in the lettuce is used to calm libido .ojd latex researchers also found in lettuce working to enhance intimacy and thus treat emergency, so when you eat a big dose .olas there are studies to confirm the damage that may caused by eating large amounts of lettuce juice.

Consumer Tips:
Lettuce can be used raw or cooked lettuce and fresh, but be more refreshing
You can use lettuce salad and sandwiches and a wide variety of dishes.
You can work with lettuce juice and add the celery juice, fennel and artichokes.

Lettuce from vegetables did not say very sure to have negative consequences.
There is a condition when dealing with large amounts of lettuce: For patients undergoing anticoagulant treatment with vitamin K These amounts can lead to blood clots and other complications if you use these medications you must be careful when you eat lettuce.



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