Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Prepare vegetable soup with meat..by Sarah

Prepare vegetable soup with meat
Prepare vegetable soup with meat
Prepare vegetable soup with meat

You can add the vegetable soup meat; meat increases to savor, here is the preparation method:

The ingredients and amounts
Four pieces of steak slices (striped fat, clips and cubes the size of 2.5 cm).
A cup of green beans stripes
Chopped cabbage heart Cup.
Onion, peeled and diced.
Cups of juice
Lemon juice.
Small or large spoon butter
Salt and pepper

How to prepare

Heat the meat stock in a pan to cook properly and onions and add to the meat
Even impregnated meat marinade and tends to be colored brown.

Add all the spices, lemon juice and broth.
Leave them on low heat until boiling, until the flesh softens, for a period of between 20 to 25 minutes.
Add both cabbage and beans.

Return seasoning and leave the pot on the heat until the meat is cooked and vegetables.
Put the parsley to the soup
Serve hot and delicious taste Enjoy.



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