Monday, August 20, 2018

Donuts stuffed with jam

Donuts stuffed with jam
Donuts stuffed with jam

Donuts stuffed with jam


500 g of flour 
20 cl of lukewarm milk 
50 g melted butter 
1 egg 
30 g of caster sugar 
1 packet of vanilla sugar 
1 packet of baking powder 7g 
14 g of baking yeast 
1 teaspoon salt 

For frying: 

A hot oil bath For 


4 tbsp of jam 
2 tbsp of sugar ice 


My tips and tricks for success the recipe for the Donuts: 

Dilute the baking yeast in milk. Mix the egg with the milk and melted butter. 

Stir in remaining ingredients and work all to get a homogeneous dough. 

Knead the dough for 10 minutes. 

Cover the dough and let rest in a place warm until it doubles in size. 

Work the dough to hunt in the air and spread it into a thin pastry on a floured work surface. 

Cut the dough using a doughnut cutter and let them rise until they double volume. 

Using a spatula, gently take each doughnut and FRY on both sides in hot oil. 

Drain fritters on paper towels. 

Serve the fritters stuffed with jam and sprinkled with icing sugar.


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